This coating is grayish black visually and is
designed to have the same properties of the Type ZO-Mod paint, yet
with an emissivity of greater than 0.9 where typical emissivity
1 micron:
8 micron:
18 micron: 0.90 The paint yields a relatively soft coating that
is 90% zirconium oxide, 3% aluminum oxide, 3.5% manganese dioxide,
and 3.5% cobalt monoxide on heating to above 600 C, at which point
the coating is fully outgassed. This coating has a specific gravity
of 2.4 and a pH of 2-3 in its liquid form – utilizing a aluminum
oxynitrate binder along with 65% of the active ingredients,
primarily calcium-oxide-stabilized [4% CaO] zirconia. Type ZO-Black
is medium-to-high viscosity and can have a 400 sq.ft. per gallon
coverage on ceramic substrates. The coating is ideal for forming a
high-purity, high-emissivity zirconia coating on ceramics, but is
also usable on metal and graphite bodies. Maximum recommended
long-time use-temperature is 1800 C in all use-atmospheres. The
coating has been used to over 2000 C for short-time